Voices Unleashed - Unplugged Open Mic #90 - Soulshine, Ubud

06:00pm, Fri 12th Jan 2024
This event has already taken place

Venue Details

Soulshine Bali
Jl Ambarwati
Mas, Gianyar, 80571

Voices Unleashed - Unplugged Open Mic #90 - Soulshine, Ubud

06:00pm, Fri 12th Jan 2024


Unplugged is a canvas for real stories, real emotions, and real good art. 
And if you've been with us at Soulshine before, then you know these Ubud nights are special.

Come for the open mic, stay for the community. Whether you’re a local, an expat, a traveller, or someone in between, there's a space for you. More than an event, Unplugged is a place that gives an immediate warmth of belonging and creates bonds between people in a matter of hours. 

And Friday the 12th it's happening again.

Find yourself amidst poets, musicians, dancers, storytellers, painters, and comedians who grace the stage in a string of performances.
It's not curated, every evening is a surprise, but what is guaranteed is the magic of the night.

If that sounds like a good time to you, bring some friends, sip a coconut, snap your fingers. All of the good stuff.

18:00 - Doors open for open mic
19:00 - Event start
21:00 - Headliner - MaMaKim

Secure your pillow by buying a ticket directly here.

50k - KTP / KITAS / KITAP-holders
100k - regular ticket 

Open Mic Spots
We have 8 performance spots for people to sign up. You can sign up for one of these on the night of the event.
Doors open at 6pm and then the list for sign up opens. It’s on a first-come-first-serve basis, so come early to get your name on. 

Open Floor
During the night we also have 2-3 open floor spots for people who feel inspired by the evening or who didn’t get on the list in the first place.
You can always opt for one of these 😊

Each artist gets 5 minutes. That equals to 1 or 2 songs or pieces.
We kindly ask you to be mindful of the time, so there's enough space for other people to share as well. 

If you are one of the 8 performers on the list then you receive free admission as a token of gratitude for co-creating the night with us.



Voices Unleashed is one of Bali's leading communities for creative expression. Founded in June 2020 in the midst of the pandemic to provide a space for people curious to learn how to express themselves. Whether you're a poet, musician, dancer, artist or simply someone ready to explore sharing more truthfully and creatively. We believe that through authenticity, vulnerability, and connection we can become more of who we are. At the moment Voices Unleashed has growing communities in Bali, Amsterdam, New York, and the Dominican Republic.




Kalau kamu pernah bergabung dengan kami di Soulshine sebelumnya, kamu pasti tahu betapa istimewanya malam-malam di Ubud.

Dan Jumat tanggal 12 acara seru ini bakal kembali digelar.

Akan ada para penyair, musisi, penari, pencerita, dan komedian beraksi di atas panggung, dengan gaya open mic.

Yuk, datang buat menikmati seni dan merasakan kebersamaan dalam komunitas kita.

Ajak teman-temanmu, nikmati segarnya kelapa, dan nonton keindahan seni bersama. Semuanya seru banget!

Buruan dapatkan tiketmu sekarang dan rasakan kesenangan dalam mengekspresikan diri dengan tulus.


18:00 - Pintu terbuka untuk Open Mic
19:00 - Acara dimulai
21:00 - Headliner - MaMaKim

Amankan bantal Anda dengan membeli tiket langsung di sini.

50K - Pemegang KTP / KITAS / KITAP
100K - tiket reguler


Para Penampil
Daftar Open Mic
Buat yang ingin tampil, ada 8 tempat slot daftar yang bisa kalian isi. Buat yang tertarik, bisa daftar langsung sebelum acaranya. Mulai pukul 6 sore, pendaftaran bakal dibuka. Siapa cepat, dia dapat, makanya datang agak lebih awal buat pastiin namamu terdaftar.

Kesempatan Terbuka
Selama acara, juga ada 2-3 kesempatan bagi yang terinspirasi buat tampil spontan, atau yang belum sempet masuk daftar awal. Pokoknya, akan ada opsi buat kalian 😊

Waktu Tampil
Setiap penampilan diberi waktu 5 menit. Kurang lebih cukup buat 1 atau 2 lagu atau karya seni. Tolong saling menghormati waktu biar semua bisa dapat waktu tampil!

Biaya Masuk
Buat 8 penampil yang terdaftar, akan gratis masuk sebagai ucapan terima kasih sudah berkontribusi bikin malam ini jadi luar biasa.

Unplugged itu acara komunitas. Dari hasilnya, kita cuma gunakan buat bayar fotografer, penutup acara, dan biaya operasional aja. Dukungan kalian sangat berarti buat kita, biar acara ini bisa terus jalan dan bikin tempat aman buat berekspresi dengan kreatif!

Voices Unleashed adalah salah satu komunitas terbesar di Bali buat ekspresi kreatif. Didirikan dari Juni 2020 di tengah pandemi, kami berniat mau kasih tempat buat orang-orang yang penasaran dan mau belajar ekspresi diri. Apa pun bakat kamu, jadi penyair, musisi, penari, seniman, atau cuma pengen lebih berani dan kreatif dalam sharing ceritamu. Kita percaya, dengan jadi diri sendiri, tampil apa adanya, dan connect dengan orang lain, kita bisa jadi versi terbaik dari diri kita sendiri!




Venue Details

Soulshine Bali
Jl Ambarwati
Mas, Gianyar, 80571