Terminal presents: Plastician (UK)

09:00pm, Fri 22nd Sep 2023
This event has already taken place

Venue Details

Goodwill Club - The Rechabite
224 William St
Northbridge, WA, 6003

Terminal presents: Plastician (UK)

09:00pm, Fri 22nd Sep 2023

Returning to Australia after more than ten years, Terminal is proud to present: Plastician.

A grime OG in every sense of the word, Plastician has been a part of the scene since before grime was called grime. A true pioneer, Plastician created his early sound through combining the sound and 8-bar style of grime and the song structure of a dubstep record and in the decades since has explored a wide variety of genres and sounds, working with a list of collaborators one can only dream of.

Blessing the Goodwill Basement with a 1 hour set you can expect to be taken on a journey of genres, formed around the London and UK sounds you know Terminal for, but with influence and sounds born from all areas of Plastician’s taste and inspiration.

Venue Details

Goodwill Club - The Rechabite
224 William St
Northbridge, WA, 6003