Solid Pink Disco Blonde Ball - Perth

Venue Details

The Court Hotel
50 Beaufort St
Perth, WA, 6000

Solid Pink Disco Blonde Ball - Perth

Detailed Event Information and FAQ can be found HERE

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Trixie Mattel & ITD Events presents

Let Trixie lead you to your blonde era this summer
Starring : Trixie Mattel, DJ Mateo Segade, Vanity & The Solid Pink Dancers

Who’s pink, plastic and platinum blonde? Why it’s the one and only Trixie Mattel and now, she’s back. More plastic and blonde than ever.

You can call her carefree, sun-kissed and possibly even bleach-dipped, but there’s no one we love more on our shores than Trixie. Australia was the birthplace of her worldwide smash Solid Pink Disco. And now that its toured the mother-tuckin’ globe, it’s time for her to enter her blonde era with an evolved party to match. Welcome to Solid Pink Disco: Blonde Edition. What a way to kick off the end of summer. 

But how is this different, you ask? Firstly, if you’re asking then you’ve clearly not been to one of her SPDs. When it comes to wit and fire, few queens serve it like she does and her Trixie-brand chaos and mayhem come free with ticket entry, honey. But now, she’s been around a bit longer and you could even say, she’s a little bit wiser. She knows blondes have more fun and she’s here to manifest it. Joined by the iconic Vanity, of Wigs by Vanity fame, you just know this will be a night to remember. 

Expect bigger production. More dancers. Bigger wigs. More pink. Blonde curls. Pink drinks. More mirror balls and more Dolly Parton flashbacks. Then prepare to partaaaay gurl, like only Trixie knows how. Dress in pink for the full effect and set yourself free with the biggest blonde wig you can wrestle onto the top of your head. Or maybe just dye your hair … or eyebrows. Apparently this is a thing now, and we are living for it. 

And yes, we might even have some wigs to snatch as merch. Did someone say stocks are limited? Solid Pink Disco: Blonde Edition. Solid. Pink. But blonde. Let Trixie lead you to your blonde era this summer!

VIP Viewing options are available for all cities at checkout

Event is 18yrs +
Dress to dance!


We work with all of our venues to provide access and dedicated viewing to patrons who require special assistance. Please email [email protected] with details of your requirements prior to the show so that we can best assist you.


By purchasing tickets, you agree to our Ticketing Terms & Conditions which can be found at along with a range of Frequently Asked Questions

  • No professional cameras will be permitted
  • Management reserves the right to refuse admission
  • As this is strictly an 18+ event - All attendees must be able to prove their age with valid ID.
  • If you need any further support, you can email our dedicated Customer Service team at [email protected] or reach out to us at

Make sure you're following ITDEVENTS (@itdevents) on Instagram and Facebook for updates.


Venue Details

The Court Hotel
50 Beaufort St
Perth, WA, 6000