Online Shamanic Breathwork Via ZOOM
Venue Details
Online Shamanic Breathwork Via ZOOM
PRICE $ 37.00 AUD
With a warm open heart we welcome you to join us The Spiral Tribe
ONLINE via Zoom this SUNDAY for a transformative deep dive into a journey of Shamanic Breathwork. (No experience is required)
This incredibly powerful modality reaches past your mind and deep into your soul. It creates a space where you can tap into your own magic to bring back wisdom and insights from the guided journey that will reach and positively influence all areas of your life.
No matter what is on your plate right now; work, relationships, health or your own connection to yourself and to spirituality, Shamanic Breathwork helps you peel back the layers of programming, trauma and conditioning to reach the core of your being.
The wisdom we get from our journeys we bring back to be integrated into our daily lives to create a lasting shift in our being.
This is a process of laying down on a yoga mat connecting to our heart and connecting to our soul by the use of a circular connected breathing technique that assists us in trancending the mind body and ego.
Tuning into the shamanic drum where you will be guided on a healing journey to connect with your spirit guides spirit animals and your higher self. The journey is guided and is accompanied by chakra activating music.
A safe and powerful space will be held for you to dive in deep explore uncover feel express and heal.
Let's breathe💜
PS. Please DO NOT go to the venue this is an online event.