Mick Baumeister Piano Concert
Venue Details
Mick Baumeister Piano Concert
Mick Baumeister - solo at the grand piano with original compositions, passages and new interpretations of his film music and live improvisations.
Because music creates atmosphere, music creates mood. Music sharpens the perception of the audience, enhancing their enjoyment and happiness or soothing their sadness and sensitivity. Music reflects times past and future, or place and time.
“It can intensify, it can relax. That is music – that is my world." Mick Baumeister.
Collaboration with a talented young balinese traditional music composer SRAYAMURTIKANTI
and Balinese contemporary dancer Ayu Ananta Putri.
Stay tune and check it out on :
Saturday , 30 July 2022 start 6.40 pm -late
at: Tugu Hotel Bali
Book your ticket @ Tugu Hotel now and get the earlybird price 200 k until 20 july 2022
Normal price 250k
VIP price 1000k