Cockburn Global

08:00am, Wed 11th Oct 2023 - 02:30pm, Wed 11th Oct
This event has already taken place

Venue Details

AMC Jakovich Function Centre
4 McGrath Road
Henderson, WA, 6166

Cockburn Global

08:00am, Wed 11th Oct 2023 - 02:30pm, Wed 11th Oct 2023

Cockburn Global is an annual one-day conference on Wednesday, 11 October 2023, that aims to bring established businesses together to explore bilateral trade and investment opportunities. Focusing on Viet Nam, Singapore, and Indonesia, the conference will centre on the Blue Economy and Shipbuilding, Health and Medical, Education and Vocational Training, Sustainability, Digital Innovation, and Financial Services.

Meet government and industry representatives and hear first-hand from the Indonesian and Vietnamese Consulate General, Second Secretary (Political) at the Singapore High Commission and representatives from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA. Gain access to other valuable contacts including representatives from the ASEAN Business Alliance, the Australian Indonesian Business Council, Indonesian Investment Promotion Centre, Indonesian Chamber of Commerce WA, and the Embassy of Viet Nam, that can help facilitate your entry and expansion in Viet Nam, Indonesia, and Singapore.

Our forum offers valuable support and guidance for business owners who wish to begin or continue their journey into the global market.

What will I gain from attending the conference?

Gain access to valuable contacts that can help facilitate your entry and expansion into the Southeast Asian region.

Discover potential bi-lateral trade and investment prospects in key sectors, including: 

  • Blue Economy
  • Renewable Energy and Sustainability
  • Science and Technology
  • Trade and Investment
  • Digital Transformation and Innovation
  • Financial Services.

This will allow you to start developing a clear strategy on how to enter, grow and thrive in Southeast Asia.

Who is presenting?

  • Listiana Operananta - Indonesian Consulate General  
  • Nguyen Thanh Ha - Vietnamese Consulate General 
  • Rochelle Yap - Singapore High Commission, Second Secretary (Political) 
  • Mayor Logan Howlett - City of Cockburn 
  • David Scaife MLA - Parliament of Western Australia 
  • Michael Faulkner - City of Cockburn 
  • Michael Carter - Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA   
  • Tracey McClurg - Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA   
  • Terrence Cheong (WA President) - WA Singapore Business Council Inc 
  • Dr Sandy Chong - Business Alliance, & Principal of Verity Consulting 
  • Eva Chye - If Innovation Could Talk 
  • Haryo Yudho Sedewo - Indonesian Investment Promotion Centre
  • Wahyu Wijayanto - Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia
  • Arnold Japutra - University of Western Australia & Digital Economy Fellow at Australia-Indonesia Centre
  • Bui Viet Jhoi - Head of Science & Technology Office Embassy of Viet Nam in Australia 
  • Viet Ngo The - Vietnam Airlines JSC |  Australian Branch Office 
  • Phil Turtle - Australian Indonesian Business Council 
  • Jeffifer Mathews - Australian Indonesian Business Council
  • Peter Taliangis - Carbon Neutral 
  • Andrew Outhwaite - For Blue 
  • Len Collard - Whadjuk Nyungar Traditional Owner of the Perth metropolitan area 

Visit the Cockburn Global webpage for full details on the presenters. 


Each session will run for 45 minutes, three times throughout the day:

Breakout session: 9.15am – 10am

  • Indonesia: Green and Sustainable 
  • Viet Nam: Trade & Invest
  • Singapore: Financial Hub 

Breakout session: 10.30am – 11.15am

  • Indonesia: Digital Transformation 
  • Vietnam: Science & Technology 
  • Singapore: Digitalisation & Innovation Hub 

Breakout session: 11.30am – 12.15pm

  • Indonesia: Blue Economy 
  • Vietnam: Renewable Energy 
  • Singapore: Sustainability Hub 

Feedback from last year's conference attendees  

Andrew Outhwaite - Managing Director, For Blue

"Without Cockburn's leadership there is no way we could have gained the exposure, planned travel, met the key people nor had the confidence to progress the initiatives that we have. It has been foundational and just slightly ahead of the State Government's approach. The connections have proven 'real', matching technical expertise in the Cockburn region with markets and opportunities in Indonesia. While relationships are key and will take a long time to develop, this has been an incredible kick-start".

Steve Hall - General Manager, The Electrical & Communications Association WA Inc

"Entering the international trade market can be daunting, but the City of Cockburn’s Digital Exchange Forum demystified doing business in SE Asia. The opportunity to meet not only business leaders, but also key government officials, such as the Consul General, really made the forum worthwhile. Their insights and positive reinforcement of the opportunities and commitment to working together was particularly a stand out. Also, meeting with like minded businesses, and hearing their journeys, provided valuable intelligence on how we could better approach entering the market. This included understanding IP protection and cultural awareness in doing business".


We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting gathering of global trade and opportunities. 

Venue Details

AMC Jakovich Function Centre
4 McGrath Road
Henderson, WA, 6166